About Me

Thursday, April 28, 2005

You may call it any name you choose

The following is a copy of an email that I just sent to Cheryl Esch, a retired school principal, who is championing my brain jogging presentations at Barnes and Noble in Racine, Wisconsin.

Frindle brought me to tears just now. What a tribute to inventing and what a tribute to teaching and what a tribute to friendship and what a tribute to love and what a tribute to pen and what a tribute to dictionary and what a tribute to growth! I can go on and on and on and on and on!~

Let's make-up a word for lifelong learning and make it catch. "onandon" Let's call it "onandon"! :) Let's call our club the Onandon club. Onandon is good for you, onandon improves your quality of life, onandon keeps you ticking, onandon invigorates you!

Bloggers of this world, make this the new word "onandon" means ...you know!

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