At Alexian, the three hour workshop cum dinner was attended by 13 people yesterday. I am happy with the experience, I am comfortable with the half-day workshop format now.
Paula got an aha when I talked about memory being like a jig-saw puzzle and not linear. She had an identical experience when she started playing the flute after a long time. The first time she picked the flute she had no idea what to do and similarly the next couple times. Then, one time she picked up the flute lined up with her arm out straight in line with her eye and placed her fingers comfortably in the correct positions. From then on she was fine and she was able to remember from her past lessons ...those lessons were many, many years ago.
Lee got an aha from the saying out loud recommendation. He did not remember it right away but towards the end of the class, he recalled that once his shop was robbed and he was able to remember the license plate of the getaway vehicle by yelling it out loud several times until he could talk to the police.
Enjoyed having Dot in class....very energetic! Also enjoyed Kathleen, Jo, Dee, and Marilyn. Marilyn had attended my four-week class about two years ago. Ilsa was there too!