Muscles that aren't exercised regularly tend to become weak. Recent research indicates that brain cells are similar to muscles in this regard. Memory and brain fitness improve with stimulating brain exercises for all important areas of the brain. Crosswords alone are not enough because they don't exercise all parts of the brain. Brain exercise needs to include activities like drawing and learning a musical instrument.
About Me
Friday, September 30, 2005
Barnes & Noble, Racine
I had invited Marge Engelman for book signing - she arrived at Barnes and Noble in Racine by 6:30 pm. I got there at 7 pm and presented Brain Jogging. It was attended by about 20 people. John and Kirsten B., John A., and Nancy P. were there. Other present were Georgia, Diane, and the lady whom I hit on the eye with my phoozeball! I am drawing a blank on her name now.